Paul Klee (http://www.zpk.org/) in Bern, Switzerland.
The department of education, “Creaviva”
(http://www.creaviva-zpk.org/av/saper-vedere), makes an excellent and
inspiring task. Creaviva has created a special video and text for Amag! http://a-magazine.org/2013/09/24/creaviva-at-zentrum-paul-klee/
Amag! Issue #2 , Saper Vedere by Kindermuseum Creaviva, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern. from Amag!
Lost dialogue between Paul Klee and the Angel of Oblivion. Amag! found it in the gut of a cow.
(Sunrise.Clear space in the forest. Paul Klee is drawing the Angel of Oblivion. The Angel is still in front Klee. Wind in leaves.)
Klee: Don’t move.
Angel: The wing itches.
(Klee continues drawing.)
Angel: Can you scratch my wing?
Klee: Don’t move.
Angel: Oh, Paul, it is just a sketch.
(Klee leaves the tools and walks towards the Angel.)
Angel: Don´t move!!!
(Klee stays still as a statue.)
Klee: I can not move.
Angel: Trees are drawing you.
Klee: You fooled me again.
(The Angel closes its eyes and smiles. Thousand birds migrate from the Angel´s wings.)
Left: “The Angel of the Oblivion” by Paul Klee. Right: Paul Klee