"La Guía de Medellín" by the students

Jorge Raedó-Rakennetaan kaupunki! advises to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín (Colombia) creating "The Guide of Medellin" by children and young people. Project directed by Luz Amparo Bernal.

20 workshops in 10 schools, Feb 24 to March 7, 2104 + one day at World Urbanism Forum -Medellín-, April 11th 2014 + edition of The Guide in December 2014.

Schools: March 7th Colegio de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, March 6th Comité de Rehabilitación de Antioquia, March 5th Comité de Rehabilitación de Antioquia and Colegio Eduardo Santos, March 3rd Colegio Hector Abad, Feb 28th Colegio Picachito, Feb 27th Colegio Ciudadela Nuevo Occidente, Feb 26th Colegio El Bosque en Moravia, Feb 25th Colegio Antonio Derkas Santo Domingo, Feb 24th Colegio San José de Las Vegas. 

Article by Jorge Raedó in FronteraD magazine: http://fronterad.com/?q=bitacoras/jorgeraedo/guia-medellin-creada-por-ninos 

Photos: workshop on Feb 26th, 2014 at Colegio El Bosque, Moravia (Medellín, Colombia). Students painting the future Medellin.

Photos: workshop on Feb 25th, 2014 at Colegio Antonio Derkas Santo Domingo (Medellín, Colombia). Students painting their favorite public spaces. 

Photos: workshop on Feb 24th, 2014 at Colegio San José de Las Vegas (Medellín, Colombia). Students painting their favorite public spaces.